Monday, February 22, 2010

New Project

Okay, so I just deleted everything I just wrote about!!!!! Very frustrating!!!!!! I am way to tired and boggled to retype it all, so basically, this is my new project moving my parents bedroom into my old one.

My parent's room this morning.

My room after I moved everything out (I have been working on my room for a few weeks know and just had to move the furniture out.)

My parent's room with the top of the bed off, obviously!

KaDee was a little lost, having moved her sleeping space, she didn't know what to do! (I actually found her inside a pillow and pillowcase before I move the bed, it was quite funny... she finds the most odd places to sleep.)
Me having so much FUN!!!

Oh yeah, did I even think to make sure the bed frame would fit down the hall? Oops:) we had to bring it through the kitchen and outside and back inside my room through the sliding door in my room.

The finished project, well mostly because the closet is still full of my stuff, oh and so is the bathroom.... then there is the other room that is going to take a long time to organize. Oh, this is the quilt I made that took me 4 years to finish. It looks pretty cool I must say!

Monday, November 23, 2009

So... it's been a long time!!! Just wanted to say say I'm still alive:) I have lots I need to talk about, but I will start slow. Tonight, I locked my keys in my car... again, at FHE. Unfortunately, this has become a bad trend for me. I did, though, have three nice guys trying to break into it. I was trying not to enjoy the moment, but it was kind of funny:) I guess that is one way to meet the guys in my ward. Oh, and by the way, my car is still parked at the church parking lot.

Life is crazy


Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Fun!

So... I am tanner than I think I have ever been in my life, and that is saying something!!! Just got back of California and chillin on the beaches. Actually, the weather in California was much nicer than it is in Utah... MAN IT'S HOT!!! I got to boogy board for the first time, and when I get the video from Amber I will post it! I still have scratches and scars from face planting and being ripped under the waves, but hey, it was Totally Awsome!!! Cowabunga Cat has found a new sport!

Cali was fun but now it is time to get acclimated back into my life... Nurse stuff, sewing stuff, laundry stuff... take your pic!

Anyways, I will have to include pictures of the dress I made for my cousin Lori. She is going on a mission to Brazil and I made her a temple dress, and barely got it done (mind you we were trying to disappear the blue markings right before she had to leave), well almost done. Done enough for what it was needed for. I love Lori and will miss her tons!!! She will be a great missionary and I can't wait to for her to have wonderful experiences.

Well, I hope to be better at this blog thing, even though school is out, I am still super busy! How does that happen??? I am starting dance this next week... eek! Hopefully I can slim down to fit into an actual leotard some time soon:) I hope to start this blog off by highlighting people in my life, maybe I will start with Lori since she is leaving soon... ha ha ha, some fun pictures to come, ha ha ha...

Oh... I can't forget my HP night!!! Amber, Nicki, and I visited the Utah official premier showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 1201 am on July 15th. It was AWESOME!!! The crowed clapped, whooped, shouted, and cried through the whole thing. The best part was the New Moon preview... shrilly screams the whole time, especially when Jacob appeared with no shirt... Holy Hanna!!! Now, Nicki, you can't tell me that he was not extremely tempting to look at, I mean, come on!!!:) Well, HP was amazing, loved it!!! Can't wait to see it again. Oh, and I did not dress up in my invisibility cloak... I did not feel my friends would appreciate the indecency of it all, maybe next time;) I highly recommend this movie, even though the books are way better, still, I think everyone should give it a try!

P.S. I love pictures!!! So I hope you enjoy.

The dress, actually this is only the mock-up, the finished product to come

Smile Cat!

Draper Temple, Lori's day

"I hope they call me on a mission!" Lori's temple day ( if you really know Lori, you will notice that there is no possible way I can be that close to her height)

Who can beat pedicures, and look, Nicki's toes are not blue!

Eyebrow are made for waxing:) (owwwwwieeeee)

Las Vegas airport layover to San Diego, me trying to fix my stupid luggage!

After the show, wow, are we babes or what!

Harry Potter... Can't you see the excitement on our faces:)

NCLEX passing party

Emma's wedding!

The river Julie and I almost
drowned in:)

Brenda (m
y sister in law) and me at Lagoon, in which we were practically wet all day long!

San Diego Temple, beautiful!!!

(Still figuring out this blog stuff and how to post properly)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blast from the Past!

Okay, so you might remember "Catrina the Ballerina" right? I left that life several years ago, almost 10 years in fact! Well... I went to the Ballet Centre's summer show and I met Lindsay and Amalie. We talked as if we had never been apart. Goarsh it brought back so many memories... Anyways, I have been thinking of starting to dance again? Fat chance??? We will see:)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Time for something new!

This is my first post. I want to make a blog to keep my family and friends posted on my life and the life of my family. For my first entry: I took my NCLEX today!!! Very terrifyingly nervicising:[
Then, I read a book, "The Girl Who Could Fly" by Victoria Forester, excellent read!!! Now I am trying to figure out to wait for my NCLEX results without pulling my hair out. Now, my day is done, my eyes are red, and I am ready for BED:)